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Tag: moosegazete

Moosegazete | Interesting facts about Moosegazete

Moosegazete | Interesting facts about Moosegazete

Moosegazete is a hybrid of two species of moose. Moose are large and powerful mammals that are found in North America and in parts of Eurasia. They can reach a height of 7 feet at the shoulder and weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They use a guttural call called moosesegazete to communicate with each other and warn predators of their presence. Their distinctive sound can be heard for up to 100 yards. Sound of Moosegazete The hybrid moosegazete has its own distinctive sound. It sounds similar to a car horn and sounds a bit like a wail or squeal. This sound is believed to serve as a warning to predators and attract mates. During breeding season, female mooses may make the sound from as far away as two miles. Found Throughout North America Moose is the largest member of the family Cervidae and be...