Qourdle Review in 2022, Learn About the Most Popular Word Game
Basically, qourdle is a game that combines social skills and word knowledge. You can use it as a fun way to de-stress and connect with new people. The game uses a simple premise: choose words that have common letters. You then have to guess four of these words in nine attempts. Luckily, you can try again if you get stuck. It is recommended that you play the game carefully.
Qourdle Achievements for Successful Wins
Qourdle allows you to share your results in text or as an image. It also awards achievements for successful wins. These achievements are fun to earn, but do not affect your actual game play.
Play the Game in Two Ways
You can play the game in two ways: daily answers or practice mode. Each day you will be given a different set of words. You can choose to guess these words in jus...